The waiting lists prepared by Italian consulates (in particular in Brazil) for requests for recognition of Italian citizenship “jure sanguinis” are always longer. Those entitled may have their request examined even after ten years from the date of submission. While, by law, the Italian administration would be obliged to reply to those who submit the application in two years.
The civil court of Rome since 2016 to today has issued very numerous sentences in which it accepts the applications of those who had previously submitted an application for recognition to the consulates.
Determinative elements identified by these judgments are:
- that the person concerned has already submitted an application at a certain demonstrable date;
- that the number of requests on the list prevents the applicant from having his or her rights recognized until then many years;
- that the waiting list on the Consulate website does not include the application of the entitled.
Therefore, even if the lawyer must to evaluate carefully case by case and to present the action in court only where he is able to demonstrate the above mentioned elements (moving therefore with great caution), for the descendants of our compatriots who emigrated abroad (especially in those states like Brazil where the number of questions is very high), a new very interesting judicial branch has opened at the civil court of Rome for which our law firm has been leading the way since 2017.
The number of appeals presented by this Law Firm has increased exponentially from 2018 to 2024, with the issuance of Total Acceptance Ordinances which you can find in the “Media-Gallery” section. We specify that we have 100% success to date compared to the 350 appeals presented.