Studio C&C

The C&C Consulting Firm, which has been active for almost five years, has operated from the outset and exclusively in the field of judicial recognition of Italian citizenship jure sanguinis.
This imprinting is due to the specialist knowledge of its co-founder, Dr Giuseppe Cipolletta.
Following the constant commitment, national and international success has arrived (in the media gallery section of the home page of this site you can see the large number of conferences and seminars on the subject, held in Brazil, in the United Kingdom and in the USA as well as, of course, in Italy).
Considering that the Quality of work is our primary objective, our absolute priority is the care of the relationship with our customers to whom, through a continuous and constant comparison, we are able to offer flexible assistance and commensurate with the actual needs of each of them.
Each practice requires a different study from time to time, minimal differences or “simple nuances” actually make each issue different from the other and lead to different consequences. It is therefore essential to promptly contact an Expert who provides a careful and specific assessment of the issues underlying the case proposed by the Client in order to adopt the most appropriate conduct.
The secret is to offer highly specialized assistance through non-standardized answers and solutions, quickly responding to individual needs.
Of primary importance, in this sense, is the consultancy and preventive analysis of the documentation accompanying the appeal, totally free, made electronically, within a maximum time of 72 hours.