What is the citizenship “Iure Sanguinis” ?
In principle, the recognition of Italian citizenship iuresanguinisto descendants of Italian migrants abroad consists in one subject’s confirmation of the continuous possession from the birth of status civitatis of a subject who is a descendant of an Italian citizen by birth (ex art 1, paragraph 1, law 91/92).
After all, the Italian legislation, even under the previous regulation in force according to law 91/92 (law 555/1912), has always considered and mantained, the ius sanguinis as the key principle for the acquisition of citizenship ab origine (rectius, for birth),thus placing so the bloodline between parent and soninto the foreground.
Therefore, the conditions necessary to recognize of the Italians status civitatis iure sanguinis to descendants by Italian ancestor emigrated abroad, are essentially based on, on the one hand on giving demonstration of descent from the subject originally in possession of the Italian status civitatis (in the present case, the emigrated ancestor) and, on the other hand, on the evidence of no interruptions in the transmission of citizenship.